The Talk

Monday, November 26, 2012

Social Anxiety Introduction

Hello, Welcome to my blog for social anxiety. This blog is just a start for what I have planned for people with social anxiety. I to have social anxiety but I will tell you about that in another post. First off I want to say I am not a professional writer, I am just basically writing this because this is what I was looking for to help me with social anxiety a place where someone talks about there struggles and where everyone can share their experiences about SAD  (Social Anxiety Disorder). I want people to be able to come on to this blog and express how they feel about a certain topic so we can discuss this together which will hopefully have a great outcome for all of us. Please feel free to state your opinion don't be afraid to speak up because I hope we can all get through this together. I will try to post small blogs so you won't feel overwhelmed with to much reading and just read the topic your most interested in. Since I am just starting this blog there isn't much to read but your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your time.


                                                                                                                    Daff S.

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